Premium Quality Baker’s Grade Flour

Premium quality baker’s grade flour GOST R 52189-2003 is produced of grain of soft food wheat in accordance with GOST R 52554-2006

The flour contains: carbohydrates, proteins, fat, Na, K, P, Ca, Mg, Fe, vitamins В1, В2, РР.
Caloric value: 330 kcal in 100g of product.
Used for baking of different grades of bread, bakery products, confectionary, pizza, pancakes, dumplings.

Form of flour production:
• packed
• non-bulk
• bulk

Packed Products

Bread wheat flour «Extra»
form of flour production in paper bags 1 and 2 kg

Мука пшеничная хлебопекарная «Экстра»

Bread wheat flour «Moskovskaya»
form of flour production in paper bags 1 and 2 kg

Bread wheat flour «Moskovskaya»

Bread wheat flour «Khoroshevskaya»
form of flour production in paper bags 2 kg

Bread wheat flour «Khoroshevskaya»

Melkombinat produces professional flour for pizza "Mamma Mia Pizza", which has unique rheological characteristics:

Premium wheat flour «Mamma Mia Pizza»
Flour from soft wheat varieties with a high protein content. Excellent for making all types of pizza dough with a long fermentation period.
form of flour production in paper bags 2 , 5, 10 and 25 kg.

Premium wheat flour «Mamma Mia Pizza»

Premium wheat flour «Mamma Mia Pizza di Roma»

Fine flour from soft wheat varieties with an average protein content. Flour is suitable for all types of pizza, which uses dough with a fermentation period of 48-72 hours. Excellent for making classic Roman pizza, characterized by a more liquid dough.
form of flour production in paper bags 10 kg.

Premium wheat flour «Mamma Mia Pizza di Roma»

Premium wheat flour «Mamma Mia Uno momento»

Fine flour made from soft wheat varieties with a balanced protein content. Excellent for cooking all types of pizza with a short maturation period (dough of one day).
form of flour production in paper bags 10 kg.

Premium wheat flour «Mamma Mia Uno momento»

Non-Bulk Products

Bread wheat flour «Extra»
form of flour production in bags 5,10, 12,5, 25 and 50 kg

Мука пшеничная хлебопекарная «Экстра»

Bread wheat flour
form of flour production in bags 5, 10 & 50 kg

Мука пшеничная хлебопекарная 

Bulk flour is supplied into bulk flour trucks.

Бестарным способом мука отпускается в автомуковозы.



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