Bake Mixes

• Bake mixes for sourdough baking
TU 9195-003-16981342-12

Смеси хлебопекарные для выпечки ароматного хлеба

• bake mix for sourdough baking of premium quality wheat flour
• bake mix for sourdough baking of 2 grade durum wheat
Mixes contain: carbohydrates, proteins, fat, vitamins.
Used for bread baking in bread machines or oven.
Caloric value: depending on the mix type
Mixes output form: composite cans 0,5 кг и in paper bags 1 kg (new), or in any form in case of large supplies.

Shelf life: 6 months


• Bake mixes for bread baking «EUROMIX»
TU 9195-003-16981342-12

Смеси хлебопекарные для выпечки хлеба «ЕВРОМИКС»

• bake mix for wheat bread baking;
• bake mix for rye-wheat bread;
• bake mix for branny bread baking;
• bake mix for buckwheat bread baking;
• bake mix for whole flour bread baking;
• bake mix for grain bread «8 grains».
Mixes contain: carbohydrates, proteins, fat, vitamins.
Used for bread baking in bread machines or oven.
Caloric value: depending on the mix type
Mixes output form: composite cans 0,5kg and paper bags 1kg (new), or in any form in case of large supplies.

Shelf life: depending on the mix type



• Mix for pancakes and thick pancakes «Domashnie» (semi-product)
TU 9195-002-16981342-09

Смесь для блинов и оладий «Домашние» (полуфабрикат)

Made of premium quality wheat flour, in accordance with GOST R 52189-2003, with addition of egg powder, whey powder, baking powder, sugar, salt.
Semi-product is designed to cook pancakes and thick pancakes at home and public catering enterprises.

Caloric value: 340 kcal in 100g of product.

Semi-product is packed into paper bags 1kg



• Mix for pancakes «Domashnie Osobye»
TU 9195-425-05747152-2003

Смесь для блинов «Домашних особых»

Made of durum flour for second grade macaroni products, in accordance with GOST 31463-2012, with addition of egg powder, whey powder, sugar, salt.

The mix is designed to cook pancakes at home and public catering enterprises.

Caloric value: 320 kcal in 100g of product.

Semi-product is packed into paper bags 1kg



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