
Test production-technological laboratory (TPTL) of Melkombinat No.3 OJSC conducts techno-chemical control at all production stages that enables providing consumers with high-quality and safe foodstuff.
For the purpose of food safety improvement, the enterprise uses Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point system (HACCP) at all production stages.
The grain laboratory of the works conducts quality control of the grain received, stored and transferred for processing.
The flour laboratory of the enterprise conducts operational control at all stages of the technological process, quality control of the finished products.

Much attention is paid to estimation of flour baking properties during quality control of finished products according to following performances:
• flour color;
• granulometric texture;
• baking absorption;
• dough rheology according to extensigrams, farinograms;
• flour amylolytic activity;
• gas forming and gas retaining capacity of flour;
• bread quality – following results of sample laboratory baking.

Research of the source material quality, of the product at all stages of the technological process and at the finished product stage is conducted with the use of high-quality equipment manufactured by Brabender and CHOPIN Perten companies. It provides high comparability of measurement results in accordance with international quality standards.

The flour mill has a state-of-the-art laboratory grinding mill that enables simulating all production processes, forming optimum milling blends. Correct choice of raw material and combination of advanced processing methods create the possibility to produce flour to order with corresponding functional properties for the wide range of food products.

The laboratory performs large-scale work in the field of new product types’ development. In grounds its work on professional skills of the qualified staff, advanced technologies and achievements of national and foreign partners.


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