Macaroni flour mill

Macaroni flour mill is designed for production of durum wheat for macaroni products. The capacity of the mill is 400 tons of grain processing per day. The mill consists of the grain cleaning room and milling section fitted with equipment manufactured by the Italian firm “GBS Group spa”. The mill is a highly automated production unit with a large scope of control, administration and data collection facilities.

The flow chart of the milling section provides for the production of the following types of finished products:
• premium quality durum wheat for macaroni products (semolina);
• second grade durum wheat for macaroni products;
• T-brand semolina;
• brans.

The flour is supplied bags 50 kg (supply in 1-ton big bags is possible).

Premium quality flour is packed in paper bags 1 kg, 2 kg, 5 kg & 10 kg, second grade flour is packed into paper bags 2 kg.

Flour is supplied in bulk into bulk flour trucks.

Semolina is packed into paper bags and composite cans 0.5 kg and 1 kg.


Мельница макаронного помола   Мельница макаронного помола   Мельница макаронного помола




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