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Крупа манная «Особая» марки «Т»


Semolina «Special T-brand»
GOST 7022 97

Made of durum wheat in accordance with GOST 9353-2016. Contains proteins, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins В1, В2, РР, rich in microelements. Designed to cook cereals, pudding, baked pudding at home and at public catering enterprises.
Semolina «Special T-brand» has unique food properties that enable reckoning it as dietary natural products.
Caloric value: 330 kcal in 100g of product.
Semolina is packed in paper bags and composite cans 0,5kg and 1kg


Мука ржаная хлебопекарная обдирная


Medium Rye Flour
GOST R 52809 2007

Produced of rye grains. Contains proteins, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins В1, В2, РР, rich in microelements. Designed for production of bakery, baked confectionery and other food products.
Rye flour flavors original taste and aroma. It is ideal for dietary and treatment bakery products.
Caloric value: 300 kcal in 100g of product.
Flour is packed into paper bags 1 kg


Whole wheat flour coarse ground

Whole wheat flour, coarse ground TU 10.61.21-005.16981342-2018

Coarse flour is obtained by grinding wheat grains on stone millstones. When grinding, all parts of the whole wheat grain fall into the flour: endosperm, embryo, shells, respectively, and all vitamins, vegetable dietary fiber, minerals, polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Caloric value: 330 kcal in 100g of product.
form of flour production in paper bags 1kg.



• Premium quality durum wheat for macaroni products (semolina) "Mamma Mia Pizza"

GOST 31463-2012Мука из твердой пшеницы для макаронных изделий высшего сорта (крупка) "Mamma Mia Pizza"

It is produced of durum wheat in accordance with GOST 9353-2016. It is used at the stage of dough flattening stage that makes it possible to have pizza with crisps of gold brown. It is also used for production of pizza, climbing, macaroni products, for bake mixes. It contains proteins, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins В1, В2, РР
Caloric value: 330 kcal in 100g of product.
Flour is packed into paper bags 1kg, 2kg, 5kg and 10 kg



Отруби пшеничные


Wheat Brans
GOST 7169‑66

Produced of soft and durum wheat, in accordance with GOST 9353-2016. It is used for production of combined feed and premixes. It is used for livestock and poultry feed.
Caloric value: 160 kcal in 100g of product.
Brans are delivered bulk and bags of 25kg



Хлопья пшеничные зародышевые «Золотистые»


Wheat embryo cereals «Golden»
TU 9295-001‑16981342‑09

Produced of soft wheat, in accordance with GOST R 52544 2006. It is designed for processing at industrial enterprises to get wheat germ oil.
Caloric value: 420 kcal in 100g of product.
Wheat brans are supplied in bags of 20 – 25kg



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